Student Achievement

以下列出的学生成绩衡量标准传达了佛罗里达浸会大学对我们愿景的承诺, 任务, and success of our students. 每年, 我们跟踪和分析学生在以下七个方面的表现和反应:

Eight-Year and Six-Year Graduation Rates
Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates
Senior Exit Interview Program Feedback Rates
Senior Exit Interview Job and Graduate School Readiness Feedback Rates
Elementary Education Employer Satisfaction Survey Results



Eight-Year Graduation Rate

Eight-Year Graduation Rate (Student Achievement Measure-1):

毕业率通常为正常时间的150%(四年制学士学位为6年)。, 尽管越来越普遍的衡量毕业率的标准是正常时间的200%(四年制学士学位需要8年). Graduation rates, while not a perfect measure, 是重要的,因为他们提供了一个洞察有多少学生在入学后及时完成他们的学位. Both rates for Baptist University of Florida are reported below.

下面报告的8年毕业率是IPEDS(综合高等教育数据系统)结果测量8年奖励率. 这个数字代表了在特定年份开始学习的学生的一个很大的横截面. This graduation rate tracks the progress of first-time, non-first-time, 全职, and part-time degree-seeking students who began their studies in a particular cohort year.

该费率是佛罗里达浸会大学选定的SACSCOC(南方学院和学校协会委员会) Key Student Completion Indicator 或“KSCI.”

Institutional Goal

佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持最低34%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS结果衡量的本科学生八年奖励率衡量的. 8年毕业率34%的最低目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年IPEDS结果测量毕业率的平均值(46%)。. 然后,这个平均值被减少了25%,以得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, unpredicted economic factors impacting student perseverance, family and health complications, and any other mitigating factors to student success that might impact students in a smaller, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到58%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS结果衡量的本科学生八年奖励率衡量的. 8年毕业率58%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年成果衡量的平均毕业率, 但随后又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,对于一个较小的国家来说,这表明它取得了重大成就, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

Eight-Year Graduation Rate for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:

(*Key Student Completion Indicator) The most current 8-year graduation rate (200% of normal time, based on the 2014 Freshman cohort) is 51%.

Six-Year Graduation Rate

Six-Year Graduation Rate (Student Achievement Measure-2):

佛罗里达浸会大学也通过IPEDS(综合高等教育数据系统)跟踪传统的六年毕业率。. This graduation rate tracks the progress of first-time, 全职, degree seeking students who began their studies in a particular cohort year.

Institutional Goal

佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持至少39%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS传统六年本科毕业率衡量的. 8年毕业率39%的最低目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年IPEDS毕业率的平均值(52%)。. 然后,这个平均值被减少了25%,以得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, unpredicted economic factors impacting student perseverance, family and health complications, and any other mitigating factors to student success that might impact students in a smaller, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到65%的毕业率,这是由IPEDS传统六年本科毕业率衡量的. 六年毕业率65%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年IPEDS毕业率的平均水平, 但随后又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,对于一个较小的国家来说,这表明它取得了重大成就, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

Six-Year Graduation Rate for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:

The most current 6-year graduation rate (150% of normal time, based on the 2016 Freshman cohort) is 63%.

Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates

Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates (Student Achievement Measure-3):

Another helpful measure of student success is the number of first-time, 全职 freshmen students who returned for their second year of college. This measure is often called the "Fall-to-Fall" or "Freshman-to-Sophomore" retention rate. As with graduation rates, 留校率并不是一个完美的衡量标准,但它确实能让我们了解学生对大学环境和学校使命的认同程度. Retention rates, 当然, 不能反映学生可能无法在大学控制的大二返校的原因.

Institutional Goal

根据佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室的测量,佛罗里达浸会大学设定了保持至少57%的新生-大二保留率的目标. 57%的最低目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年的平均保留率(76%)。. 然后,这个平均值被减少了25%,以得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, unpredicted economic factors impacting student perseverance, family and health complications, and any other mitigating factors to student success that might impact students in a smaller, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学制定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,即根据佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室的测量,达到95%的大二学生保留率. 大二学生保留率95%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2016-2020年的平均保留率, 但随后又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,对于一个较小的国家来说,这表明它取得了重大成就, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rates for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:


Senior Exit Interview Program Feedback Rates

Senior Exit Interview Program Feedback Rates (Student Achievement Measure-4):

佛罗里达浸会大学的所有毕业生在毕业前都会接受面试,并询问他们是否觉得自己已经达到了专业学位的特定课程学生学习成果. 课程学生学习成果描述了一个特定学术课程的毕业生应该能够理解的内容, 知道, or do once they graduate from an academic program.

For example, 一个事工研究学士学位的毕业生应该能够:1)展示圣经的知识,并能够在讲道和教导事工中提供这些内容的当代应用, 2)表现出对基督教教义的理解,并能够通过有效的沟通来支持这种理解, 3)将圣经内容和基督教教义的知识应用于实际和牧养事工中.

Institutional Goal

佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个目标,即根据佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室的测量,保持至少68%的学生对教育项目的满意度. 68%的最低目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2019-2021年高级离职面谈SLO满意度的平均值(91%)。. 然后,这个平均值被减少了25%,以得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, unpredicted economic factors impacting student perseverance, family and health complications, and any other mitigating factors to student success that might impact students in a smaller, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个理想的目标,即达到100%的学生满意率的教育计划,学生学习成果由佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室衡量. SLO满意率100%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2019-2021年高级离职面谈SLO学生满意度的平均值, 但随后又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,对于一个较小的国家来说,这表明它取得了重大成就, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

Senior Exit Interview Program Feedback Rates for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:

2022-2023学年的毕业生代表了BUF 19个学位项目中的11个. 百分之九十五(95%)的受访学生表示,他们在佛罗里达浸会大学的教学项目达到了学术项目所规定的项目学生学习成果.

Senior Exit Interview Job and Graduate School Readiness Feedback Rates


佛罗里达浸会大学(Baptist University of Florida)的所有毕业生在毕业前都会接受面试,询问他们是否认为自己已经为就业市场或继续深造做好了准备.

Institutional Goal

佛罗里达浸会大学设定的目标是保持至少61%的工作准备率和53%的研究生院准备率,这是由佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室管理的高级离职面谈所衡量的. 这两个比率是基于2019-2021年就业和研究生院准备率的平均值(82%和71%)得出的, respectively). 然后将这些平均值减去25%,得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, unpredicted economic factors impacting student perseverance, family and health complications, and any other mitigating factors to student success that might impact students in a smaller, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学制定了一个雄心壮志的目标,即达到100%的工作准备率和89%的研究生院准备率,这是由佛罗里达浸会大学注册办公室管理的高级离职面谈所衡量的. 就业和研究生院准备率分别为100%和89%的理想目标是基于佛罗里达浸会大学2019-2021年高级离职面试工作和研究生院准备率的相同平均值, 但后来又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,这对一个较小的国家来说是一个显著的成就, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.


Of the undergraduate students who completed their studies in the 2022-2023 Academic Year, 100% reported being ready to enter the job market in their field, 100%的人表示准备继续在研究生院接受教育(这个数字包括少数希望继续在学士学位课程接受教育的大专课程的学生).

Elementary Education Employer Satisfaction Survey Results

Elementary Education Employer Survey Results (Student Achievement Measure-7):

每年, 教师教育科的指导员与聘用上一学年获得基础教育文学学士学位、目前在公立或私立学校担任教师的BUF毕业生的学校校长联系. 校长被要求根据基础教育计划学生学习成果(反映佛罗里达州feaps -佛罗里达州教育者完成实践)对这些一年级教师进行评分。. 这些问题询问毕业生在各个方面的表现,如:有效沟通, providing opportunities for students to learn higher-order thinking skills, creating a safe, 公平的, and stimulating classroom environment, being 知道ledgeable of the subject matter, producing learning plans that are developmentally appropriate and engaging, and using appropriate technologies to deliver instruction.

Institutional Goal

佛罗里达浸会大学(Baptist University of Florida)设定了一个目标,即对其基础教育专业文学学士学位毕业生的第一年评估保持至少73%的积极回复率. 73%的最低目标是基于这些毕业生最近评估率的平均值(98%)。. 然后,这个平均值被减少了25%,以得出一个可以解释学生成绩波动率的数字, unpredicted economic factors impacting student perseverance, family and health complications, and any other mitigating factors to student success that might impact students in a smaller, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

相反, 佛罗里达浸会大学设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,即对其基础教育学士学位毕业生的第一年评估达到100%的积极回复率. 第一年评估100%的理想目标是基于这些毕业生最近的平均评估率, 但随后又增加了25%,达到了一个数字,对于一个较小的国家来说,这表明它取得了重大成就, open-ad任务 institution of higher learning such as Baptist University of Florida.

Elementary Education Employer Satisfaction Survey Results for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:

For the September 2023 Employer Satisfaction Survey, 没有结果(前一年没有小学教育文学学士学位的毕业生)。. The Teacher Education Division is currently redesigning this survey to gather wider data.